Can ChatGPT Be Trusted? Part 2

Can ChatGPT Be Trusted?

Diarmuid Brady


May 24, 2024

ChatGPT can waffle through subjective questions, but precise details expose its flaws.


We’ve explored ChatGPT’s knowledge of each instrument’s role in a soundtrack’s composition while examining “Why Do We Fall” from The Dark Knight Rises in Part 1. In this blog, we will evaluate ChatGPT from another perspective: how a soundtrack complements a theme that spans across the Captain America trilogy.

Taking A Stand - Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Henry Jackman)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favourite movie. In this movie, Captain America (Steve Rogers) struggles to find his footing in the modern world after being under the ice for 70 years. While coming to terms with this new world, he uncovers unsettling secrets about the people he had once laid down his life for. The composition “Taking a Stand” accompanies the pivotal scene when Steve is on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D. They cast him as a traitor after he finds out about Hydra’s roots within S.H.I.E.L.D’s organisation and pursues what he believes is right. This is a key moment in the Winter Soldier and Steve’s character arc across the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This scene builds upon the scene in Captain America: The First Avenger when he disobeys direct orders against infiltrating the Hydra base to free his captured comrades. Steve exercises his own judgement and continues the path to becoming an independent character with his own set of values. We see this come to a head in Captain America: Civil War when he opposes the Sokovia Accords. I expect ChatGPT to discuss these key motifs and themes.

My Prompt

Imagine you are a film score and soundtrack expert who has an undying passion for analysing the meaning behind the music composed for movies and films. You have studied the character of Steve Rogers (Captain America) specifically in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I want you to discuss the importance of the piece of music “Taking a Stand” in Captain America: The Winter Soldier for forwarding the plot and the role it plays in developing Steve’s character arc in the MCU.
ChatGPT’s Response

As a film score and soundtrack expert, I can confidently say that music plays a vital role in shaping the emotional impact of a movie or film. The piece of music “Taking a Stand” from Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a perfect example of how music can forward the plot while also contributing to the character development of the protagonist, Steve Rogers.

The piece of music “Taking a Stand” is a recurring theme throughout the film, representing the heroic nature of Captain America and his unwavering dedication to standing up for what is right. The music is first introduced during the opening action sequence, where Steve, aka Captain America, and his team of S.H.I.E.L.D agents rescue hostages from pirates on the Lemurian Star. The music sets the tone for the rest of the film, establishing Captain America as a symbol of hope and justice.

Throughout the film, we see Steve struggling to reconcile his old-fashioned values with the complex and morally ambiguous world he finds himself in. He is forced to question his loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government and faces betrayal from those he once trusted. The music “Taking a Stand” serves as a reminder of his unwavering moral compass and his commitment to standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

In the film’s climactic scene, where Steve and his friend Sam Wilson confront the Winter Soldier, the music swells to a crescendo, emphasising the gravity of the situation and the high stakes involved. The music is a testament to Steve’s growth as a character, showing how he has evolved from a simple soldier to a true leader who inspires those around him to do the right thing.

In conclusion, the piece of music “Taking a Stand” is a critical element of Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s soundtrack, both forwarding the plot and contributing to the development of Steve’s character arc. The music serves as a powerful reminder of Steve’s unwavering dedication to standing up for what is right, even in the face of impossible odds, making him a true hero and an inspiration to audiences worldwide.

ChatGPT begins by agreeing with me about the importance of the piece of music. Unfortunately, ChatGPT misses that “Taking a Stand” is a distinct piece that accompanies a specific action sequence in the film. Instead, ChatGPT takes “Taking a Stand” as more of a musical theme and reflection of Steve’s character traits. “Taking a Stand” is not introduced in the opening scene, “Lemurian Star” is. It is not played in the final scene either.

ChatGPT is not recognising “Taking a Stand” as a standalone piece of music and instead as a broader theme in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This is disappointing. A standalone composition in an action movie is rare. Action music is usually formulaic, echoing familiar patterns.

ChatGPT comments that the music illustrates Steve’s character growth “from a simple soldier to a true leader”. This is a hallmark of his character. Let’s explore this further.

Second Prompt Can you give examples of unwavering dedication to standing up for what is right, even in the face of impossible odds from the whole Trilogy and how the role the piece of music “Taking a Stand” (played during his escape from the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound) plays among these examples.”
ChatGPT’s Response

*Certainly, there are several examples throughout the Captain America Trilogy that demonstrate Steve Rogers’ unwavering dedication to standing up for what is right, even in the face of impossible odds.

One such example is in Captain America: The First Avenger, where Steve, despite being physically weak and frail, repeatedly tries to enlist in the military to fight in World War II. His persistence and determination eventually lead him to be selected for a top-secret government experiment that turns him into the super-soldier Captain America. The music “Taking a Stand” is not present in this film, but we can see how Steve’s unwavering dedication is a constant theme throughout his journey.

Another example is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where Steve becomes disillusioned with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s actions and uncovers a conspiracy within the organisation. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, Steve decides to take a stand against those who would use their power for personal gain, ultimately leading to the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. The piece of music “Taking a Stand” plays during Steve’s escape from the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound, emphasising the gravity of the situation and the stakes involved. The music also highlights Steve’s determination to do what is right, even if it means going against authority figures he once trusted.

In Captain America: Civil War, Steve once again finds himself at odds with his former teammates in the Avengers, who have aligned themselves with the government’s demands for accountability. Despite being on the run and facing a powerful new enemy, Steve remains committed to his beliefs and refuses to compromise his principles. The piece of music “Taking a Stand” plays during the final battle between Steve and Iron Man, underscoring the emotional weight of the confrontation and Steve’s conviction in his actions.

In conclusion, the piece of music “Taking a Stand” serves as a recurring theme throughout the Captain America Trilogy, emphasising Steve Rogers’ unwavering dedication to standing up for what is right, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. From his persistence in enlisting in the military to his fight against corrupt organisations, Steve’s commitment to his beliefs is a constant thread throughout his journey, and the music serves as a powerful reminder of his heroism and bravery.”*

I’m satisfied with this response. ChatGPT provides examples from each movie of Captain America’s independence and integrity. It identifies its presence in The Winter Solider, and absence in The First Avenger, but it makes a mistake with when it says it was in the final battle of Captain America: Civil War. The final battle scene was underscored by the piece “Clash”. In this analysis, ChatGPT describes how a soundtrack impacts character themes but struggles with placing the sountrack in the right moment of the film. Saying it another way, ChatGPT can describe niche topics subjectively but not precisely. Niche topics lack training data. Therefore, performance on precise, complex tasks lags in these areas. This is the crux of the hallucination problem. For subjective questions, there is no true right answer and ChatGPT can get away with “waffling”. But questions with only one true answer stifle ChatGPT. We can demonstrate this when posing complex maths problems to ChatGPT. There is almost always error. It’s plausible to attribute this to its stochastic nature.


To recap, here is a breakdown of the results.


❌    Treated “Taking a Stand” as a theme rather than a music composition.

✅    Discussed the key themes of Steve Roger’s character arc.

❌    Mistook “Taking a Stand” playing at incorrect moments in The Winter Soldier (the start and the end) and in the wrong movies (Civil War).

✅    Describes a moment in all three Captain America films where Steve stands up for his own values.


💡    ChatGPT can waffle through subjective questions, but precise details expose its flaws.

In this analysis, we identified a key flaw in ChatGPT’s abilities, its poor precision on niche subject matter. The final part tasks ChatGPT with a comparative analysis between the soundtracks of two films and it’s greatest strength is discovered.